Thursday, November 7, 2019


Located at Group 8 and Period 7 of the Periodic Table is one of the element which is a man - made Super - Heavy element. This is Hassium.

First discovered in 1984 by a scientist team led by Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Münzenber and first produced ( not isolated, since it is one of the man - made element ) also in 1984 and also by the scientist team led by Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Münzenber.
Peter Armbruster

Because Hassium is one of the man - made super - heavy element, not much of Physical Properties and Chemical Properties is known. However, we still know that Hassium is produced by bombarding Lead - 208 with Iron - 58 nuclei to produce three atoms of Hassium.

Actually, every solid element sublimates. It's just that it is slower. It is slow enough that we cannot notice. However, the sublimation of Hassium is faster than any other element. So, you can say that Hassium sublimates.

Atomic Number : 108
Name : Hassium
Latin Name : Hassium
Electrons per Shell : [ 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 14, 2 ]
Discoverer : Scientist team led by Peter Armbruster ( 1984 )
Creator (not isolator) : Scientist team led by Peter Armbruster
Element's : Atomic Mass : 270 u ( predicted )
: Density : 22.6 g/cm 3
: Type : Transition Metal
Chemical Properties :
Not much was known about Hassium because of its extremely short half life. Moreover, man - made elements are very expensive to produce. So, there is not much chemical properties is known about Hassium. However, this is what we know :
Hassium - 265

  • 15 isotopes : 3 of them are : Hassium - 265 : Protons : 108 : Neutrons : 157 : Electrons : 108 ( Half Life : 1.96 milliseconds ) Hassium - 270 : Protons : 108 : Neutrons : 162 : Electrons : 108 ( Half Life : 9 seconds ) Hassium - 271 : Protons : 108 : Neutrons : 163 : Electrons : 108 ( Half Life : 10 seconds )
Physical Properties :
  • Solid at room temperature
  • Highly radioactive
  • Melting Point : Unknown ( not estimated )
  • Boiling Point : Unknown ( not estimated )
    Radioactive Hazard Symbol
How Hassium got its name?
Hassium got its name from the German state Hessen. Hassium's name was derived from the Latin Version of Hessen, Hassias. Before Hassium was discovered, Hassium holds the ' Unknown ' title, also known as Ununiloctium. The name Hassium is only announced in 1997 by International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ( IUPAC )

Hassium probably has no uses, since it has extremely short half lives. However, we still know that Hassium is only used in laboratory.

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